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Halloween CostumesThe main question for everyone who is going to celebrate Halloween: who to dress up as?We offer our options:A vampireYou can improvise! This look is easy to create and looks very impressive.Any Tim Burton movie characterBurton is a genius at horror that doesn't make you want to smash your monitor. And his characters are all colorful and laconic. So there is plenty to choose from: Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd, Sl**py Hollow, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Beetlejuice and other Burton paintings can be a great source of inspiration.MummyWrap yourself in bandages and go! What could be cheaper and more interesting? Plus you'll look cool in photos.ClownEternal topic. Does anyone even think clowns are funny and not scary?DevilHorns, red clothes - a completely tolerable costume for the lazy.ChuckyScary little doll with a cut face. If you try, you will get a really scary costume.Billy dollThe same doll on a bicycle from the Saw films. An especially favorite option for girls for makeup.ZombieGreen skin, red paint on the face, wheezing and screams of "Moozgiiii!" - everything you need.Here's a great tutorial on zombie makeup from the movie "Hocus Pocus"WitchAs said earlier, the witch look is good for Halloween now. The image will look especially cool with appropriate makeup. Girls especially love it very much for its simplicity, canonicity and the opportunity to stick on long nails. By the way, we have put together tutorials for you with witch makeup for Halloween:
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